Lessons on Consistency From My 100DaysOfCode Journey

Lessons on Consistency From My 100DaysOfCode Journey

Have you ever heard of #100DaysOfCode? No worries if you don't know, let's dive into this. If you look on social media sites like Twitter or LinkedIn, you'll notice that many people are participating in the 100-day code challenge; in general, we all code, but we all miss it someday, right?

I started my 100DaysOfCode journey on Twitter to solve at least one problem in leetcode because I miss doing problems in leetcode on some days. People like me who are doing this 100DaysOfCode always inspire me to do more since I started posting my journey.

For those considering starting the #100DaysOfCode challenge, here are some things to keep in mind and mistakes to avoid.

I. What is 100DaysOfCode

● 100DayeOfCode is aim to maintain consistency while doing code at least in a day you have to spend 1 hr or 2hrs

● We've all heard that consistency is key to excelling at anything, whether it's coding or staying fit.

● you can start anything in your 100DaysOfCode, for example, if you started doing a project share what you are doing

II. Benefits of starting with 100DaysOf code

✅ First and foremost thing it helps to maintain consistency

✅ Networking with people

✅ Support from the community

III. Why one should start 100DaysOfCode

✅ You got a chance of reaching out to recruiters because you are showing your proof of work and what you are doing

✅ Opportunities to speak and network with others in the tech industry

✅ Improving coding skills and building consistency

IV. What mistakes you should avoid while doing 100DaysOfCode

❌ While doing this we may get addicted to social media

● To overcome this I did sometimes post my journey on Twitter every 2 days

● Set a timer if you want how much you want to use

❌ Don't get disheartened by the people who are in the same phase but doing amazing on that particular day

● It's okay if we are not able to solve more than 3 problems in a day At Least try to do one problem

❌ What do I have to do if I am not interested code in that or due to situations if I was not able to do

● Just at least try to do an easy problem, or else revise the concept or the things you did on previous days.

❌ Don't do parallel things creating content and doing 100DaysOfCode it will consume a lot of your time

IV. Conclusion

● Participating in the #100DaysOfCode challenge can provide numerous benefits, including improving coding skills and building consistency.

● During my 100DaysOfCode journey, I was able to showcase my coding skills to potential employers and network with others in the tech industry. For Example, after starting to work on LeetCode problems, I was contacted by codewithvoid on Twitter and invited to speak in his space about how beginners can use LeetCode. I also began hosting Twitter spaces on DSA.

● Overall, I highly recommend giving the #100DaysOfCode a try if you're looking to improve your coding skills and build consistency in your practice.